Today is sunday. Chapter 2.

Hari tu ingat tak aku ada share pasal a friend to a friend of mine. Keadaan jadi makin worst sebab si husband uploading a video, pictures dengan isteri dia dekat media sosial. I felt like crying when i read her status regarding this.  How could her husband do that? This suppose something you should keep it by yourself.  Not to threathen your wife or publiced it to the world.

Due to frustated about it,  aku cerita la dekat housemates aku. Chapter satu aku dah cerita so aku sambung la chapter dua. Saja nak dengar pendapat. Mungkin cara aku view dunia lain dari mereka. Guess what? Ada satu pendapat yang buatkan aku rasa wow. Pemikiran yang sangat bagus. She told me that i should hear the stories from two sides.  Maksudnya sangat tidak adil untuk aku menilai dari satu pihak. Siapa tahu mungkin si isteri ada buat sesuatu. Pemangsa jadi mangsa. Vice versa. Kan?

Jadi case closed. Aku nak menyiasat pasal si husband tu aku tak tau nak siasat kat mana. Hahaha. I could not find the fb either.

I hope everything goes well. In whatever direction it might end, i pray Allah will bless us.


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