
sudah setahun setengah blog ini wujud. Harapnya dapat bagi kebaikan bersama. Although  it keeps changing url and etc, its still exist there. sayangnya, the first blog that i wrote back then, i already delete it. teringin juga nak baca semula penulisan semasa di zaman kanak-kanak ribena dulu, heh? 

kenapa ziedya izara? glamourous sangat namanya. This blog it stands for my siblings name though. zie for ziela, azi, zierah. ie stand for limie, sukie. dya stand for dyana. iza stand for liza and ra stand for zura. thinking back than, i called my oldest sister, along. My second sister i called her za, even mom always order us to called her angah hehe. Followed by me (achik supposedly), both my sisters called me zila but the 3 years difference age with me which is zura, called me just "la" sometime "ila". My mom also called me like that. Even though it sound like uhu hu hu hu it was acceptable then, just for them. The rest, below than zura until suki called, called me kakla, got some respect then since i was a sister.

The one that i think have close bonding with me of course the one that have 3 years difference from me. Its too awkward to write this, never mind. lets skipped it haha

There was a lots of memories back then but even i recalled, a few only comes to my mind. i forgot a lot. even whatever happen comes, i still love them even what exactly i always do, nagging and scold them haha.

lovely,isn't? c:

taken 2009 c:


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