This is life

Today was unstable day. Everyone seem like having an emotional syndrome. Never ending changes in work flow really make me feels sick. With zero error promises to ceo this coming monday it is like telling a kid to get 100 marks in examination.

While having a lots of cases today, an accident make me smile while rushing back to office after zohor prayer. A group of workers come out from the lif. So without any feeling im taking the lif and pick up my office level button. Feeling weird when I see a lot of button already been pressed. I laugh. Its too absurd situation when I rushed myself back to office. What a day! :)

Everyone in state of stress. A lots of works to do. Mistake everywhere and need to improve on that. Im aware of this situation. Yeah, feeling tired right after got many complains, but please understand too we are working on that. If you pushed up too much, we surely working in uncomfortable environment and definetly we try to avoid it. Please understand that you are not only person who are tired. There might be some people somewhere else who were working crazily to make up everything right.

If you well understood of feeling being scold, blame by others, definitely you dont want others feel too, right?

*suddenly thinking of keberkatan working today since for the first time in 3 hectic weeks,im nagging and feeling like crying :'(

* I pray to love what im doing right now may Allah ease my journey, InsyaAllah

* I pray for everyone happiness, easeness in working and lets work with positive and comfortable environment

* lets treat everyone as human without judging from religion and nationality because at the end whats define you its not from that


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