
Showing posts from October, 2016


Salah satu benda yang aku malas nak amek tapi kena paksa diri sendiri untuk amek jugak. Macam mana nak berdikari ni. Kena paksa diri. Tukar benda yang tak suka jadi suka. Sampai tahun bila nak tangguh lagi? Takut?semua orang ada rasa takut. Belajar untuk kawal rasa takut tu. Belum cuba dah kalah, itu namanya loser. Buat benda yang tak suka, level diffilculty lagi terasa. Kena mula dengan a step. You can do it. I pray for the best.


Another aim to buy a book. Tapi buku ni tak jual kat malaysia. Nak kena beli kat luar and shipping kat sini. Tak pandai nak beli camni. Nanti tanya orang camne. Buku ni best!

Monolog #11

Today, my mom has called me. Giving advise as usual to urge me on marriage. Its around 30 minutes this time. Asking me am i sick and hiding any secret from her. Asking me why im not married which i dont have any answer for that. 5 seconds, after we have finished the call. She called me back. Telling me sorry if she hurt me with her words. She asked me to think about it. With a shaky voice. Its look like shes crying. What shoul i do? I wanna be a good daughter.