
Salam syawal c:

Missing myself to be exist here. Its already a month gone since i wrote the last entry. How are you, readers? doing fine? Hope so c:

since i in the state of happy now because of becoming weekend, i would like to tell the stories about hari raya and Aida's wedding *if i not ke laut with others thing**

There was a crisis before hari raya that really make my mood ruined well. My younger brother injected  a virus in my laptop. eh, my brother is not the virus, but he is the host of the virus since he moved it from my youngest sibling's notebook . The virus was infected by broadband, which is index.swf if i am not mistaken. previously i already been effected by this virus, luckily its already removed by certain antivirus that i temporarily installed in my laptop. That was the first thing. Because of the internet line was not so good, i clearly hold it first and be patient. 

Then, i set my laptop a password since hes clearly open my laptop without my permission. Happily setting the password then i leave my laptop a while since Maghrib is around the corner. After berbuka puasa and praying, then getting back to my dearest laptop, then the second problem arise. I cant log in in my windows. The password was error, even i try fifty times reset, is still stubbornly locked!

huh! the feeling explode is nearly to the max. I try to use password reset , but still, its doesn't work.  I try to search from my siblings notebook on how to solve this problem. There was it, but i do not know how to change it since it involve html and a few of programmed. Comes to the worst, i try a lot of time, typing faster the password that i clearly remember, but back then if was error  because i was typing too fast and i do not have any idea what was i put it.

Alhamdulillah, after a much time not giving up, finally i succeed to type a correct password. I set a new user account as administrator and with it, i removed the old account. fuhhh, lega. After that,baru la pergi masuk dapur masak gulai ayam tuk juadah di pagi raya since i told my mum, that i will handle it. Its around 11 pm i guess.

Begitulah kisahnya, naseb baek bule log in back, kalu tidak memang tidak tenang nak pergi beraya haha, Motif sangat kan. So, the second problem closed. Back to the first one. After a few days, when i was back from my workplace, i try to analyzed the nature of this virus. Somehow, this virus really like to download something that i do not know what exactly them want to download -_-. After a few observation, i realized the origin of the file is from Gom player. I managed to uninstalled this programmed and wow, the virus its already gone. Problem solved, congrats! No need to wait, downloading a few large file of antivirus, yeah!

Although a lot of problem arise, i  still feel a bit adventure since i get to learn new things c:

Jadi sampai di sini saja bah, nanti next entry sambung dengan kawen aida jika saya rajen bah c:

sebelum menutup tirai, selamat hari raya maaf zahir dan batin ye readers c:


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