
Today is Saturday and it is an off day. I simply want to summarize what happen today, but i kinda sleepy.

Nothing special today, it just i got experience on how deposit cash machine eat my money hi hi and i forgot to count how much i put money there hoho but not to worries, i already report at that bank, it will take 3-5 days, that money will be transfer back to my account

This weekend its really helpless once. My housemate going to Kursus kawen. Opah back to perak. Cik puan hawa still at pahang. Lastly, it just me here :(

Its too boring if normally your days is really busy, then when suddenly you don't have nothing to do, it feel like "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"

ok. Nice day people

Note : Apabila kita tidak mendapat apa yang kita inginkan, hanya ada dua sebabnya. 1) Kerana kita kita tidak benar-benar inginkanya. 2) Kerana kita tidak membayar 'harga' untuk mendapatkannya! (Ustaz pahrol - Seraut Kata Selaut Rasa)


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