
Showing posts with the label to the future of you


Iove this written by yasmin mogahed. I have been through some dark times in my life and I have had to make some very hard decisions. But I'll tell you what I've learned. Life isn't supposed to be miserable. It isn't supposed to be excruciatingly painful. It supposed to suffocate or drain you.  Are there parts of life that will make you feel this way? Yes. Absolutely. But, why? We *must* ask why. Why do we go through these things? Is it so that we  stay still and bear it stoically? Is it to passively endure and call it "sabr" or patience? Absolutely not. In fact we go through misery, pain, suffocation for the exact opposite reason: To push us towards *change*. Movement. Growth. "Sabr" is not standing still. "Sabr" is not being passive. Sabr is the endurance necessary to make the change needed to *move* one step closer to where Allah wants us to be. God created pain, in both the physical and spiritual world, as a wake up call. As a moti

Mengapa hidup terasa kosong?

Aku ada sorang kawan. Cara dia unik bila nak google information. Nak tahu camne cara dia google? Contoh mengapakah air laut kelihatan biru dari jauh sedangkan air tidak mempunyai warna? Haha unik tau cara dia tanya pak cik google. Mesti pening browser nak cari keypoint. Anyway point aku sebenarnya ialah cara bertanya. Dan aku harap mungkin manusia diluar sana kiranya ada yang google refer kepada tajuk update ni mengapa hidup terasa kosong, boleh dapat tips sikit sebanyak berdasarkan pengalaman sendiri. Hidup terasa kosong bila kau dan aku tak isinya dengan rasa hidup bertuhan. Ye. Sebenarnya kau jauh dengan pencipta. Lihat balik hubungan diri sendiri macam mana. Solat kita macam mana. Solat ye solat. Sempurnakah solat kita. Bila aku lihat balik hidup aku. Most the time bila aku lost, bila aku tak jaga solat. Solat pun pertengahan waktu. Masa solat pun tak tahu diri hilang ke mana. Baca al quran tok sah nak cakap lah. 3 hari baru mengaji sekali. Dan bila aku dah jadi macam ni, Allah


Seperti biasa niat setiap hari nak tidur awal kecundang bila mata masih terbukak lagi pada 12.11 am. Good job! 6 hari lagi. Naik satu level umur. Alhamdulillah. 26 tahun. Banyak lagi yang belum dicapai. Perlu mencabar diri untuk ambil lesen kereta sebab tahu diri sendiri takut nak bawak kereta. Sebab tu la kena cabar diri. InsyaAllah planning nak pergi umrah dengan mak ayah tahun depan jika masih bernyawa, masih single lagi time tu. Kaitan tak dengan status single tu. Haha. Semoga dipermudahkan. Lagi lagi. Solo backpacker is sound interesting to me. Travel around the world. Chasing milky way, culture that i have ever seen. Foodpackers? Earth geographical, weather and etc. So amusing. I wish can do that but safety must came first. Yes, safety. I am not going to limit myself but of course my parent never let me do alone. Itsokay. Keep this project till one fine day. Haha. So, the aims were to get a car license and umrah. Married? I still have a fear for this kind of le

Annual thinngs part 1

Sedih. Sebab dah taip panjangpanjang. Lepas tu crash. 😢

I just want to be happy.

17 September 2015. I just want to be happy. How? 1. "Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today." James Dean 2. "Doing what you like is freedom. Liking what you do is happiness." Frank Tyger 3. "Be happy with what you have. Be excited about what you want." Alan Cohen 4. "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." Maya Angelou 5. "If you look to others for fulfillment, you will never be fulfilled. If your happiness depends on money, you will never be happy with yourself. Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the world belongs to you." Lao Tzu 6. "Everything is a gift of the universe--even joy, anger, jealously, frustration, or separateness. Everything is perfect either for our growth or our enjoyment." Ken Keyes Jr. 7. "If yo

Dare to care?

1. Aku nampak kawan aku sakit.  Perlu tak aku tanya dia dah ambil ubat ke belum. Atau baik aku senyap saja. Aku demam. Selera tiada. Nak pergi klinik malas. Aku balik rumah. Tido. Takda siapa tanya sihat ke tak. Takda sapa suruh makan ubat. Sepatutnya dah besar ni kau tahu sendirilah. Kenapa perlu perhatian? 2. Aku nampak kawan aku dari tadi duduk depan tv.  Dah pukul 3.30 ptg. Perlu tak aku tanya dah solat zohor ke belum.  3. Aku nampak kawan aku muka dia masam.  Masam dari muka yang biasa dia buat. Perlu ke aku tanya dia ok ke tak. Atau baik aku senyap saja. 4. Aku nampak kawan aku marah. Perlu ke aku tanya sebab apa dia marah. Atau baik aku diamkan saja. 5. Kawan aku diam. Tak seperti biasa. Perlu ke aku tanya ada masalah ke tidak? Soalan yang tertanya pada diri sendiri.  Mungkin the other side of world, kawan kita sedang melalui hari hari yang sukar.  Sebab itulah aku tanya, dare to care? Kenapa perlu care? Business vs kindness. Every act of kindness is sadaqah. Aku percaya





Today is sunday. Chapter 2.

Hari tu ingat tak aku ada share pasal a friend to a friend of mine. Keadaan jadi makin worst sebab si husband uploading a video, pictures dengan isteri dia dekat media sosial. I felt like crying when i read her status regarding this.  How could her husband do that? This suppose something you should keep it by yourself.  Not to threathen your wife or publiced it to the world. Due to frustated about it,  aku cerita la dekat housemates aku. Chapter satu aku dah cerita so aku sambung la chapter dua. Saja nak dengar pendapat. Mungkin cara aku view dunia lain dari mereka. Guess what? Ada satu pendapat yang buatkan aku rasa wow. Pemikiran yang sangat bagus. She told me that i should hear the stories from two sides.  Maksudnya sangat tidak adil untuk aku menilai dari satu pihak. Siapa tahu mungkin si isteri ada buat sesuatu. Pemangsa jadi mangsa. Vice versa. Kan? Jadi case closed. Aku nak menyiasat pasal si husband tu aku tak tau nak siasat kat mana. Hahaha. I could not find the fb either.

Today is monday. Everything is gonna be alright.

mind the sentence language grammar and etc Firstly, I was feeling explode to the rithcher of scale 7.9 today. Reading an update on facebook about a friend to the friend of mine. She was married. Having two children. A successfull businesswoman. She got my respect on how outspoken, she was. I was happy to see how strong her fight for her life. Even for the first marriage has failed, she showed the courage that she was able to through it and move on to the second time. With a few pictures on fb showed how sweet they are as a couple, makes me felt, oh such a happy family. Nothing can shock me enough with the news few days back,  just fbwalking somehow on her page make me felt so overwhelming. Just like the said idiom,  love can make people blind. Her husband.  A drug addict. Not working. Use violence. And she covers it. Tell me. How should i digest this. A love to destroy? And ask me how her wakes up from the sweet poisonous nightmare? When the husband starts to curse her family.  She


Sejak facebook kasi can untuk tengok memori lama dengan hanya klik pada on this day dekat bahagian profile, kau boleh menyelusuri cewah, sejarah ikut tarikh setiap tahun. Aku suka benda ni.  Aku suka tengok how much aku dah berubah, lagi baik ke lagi teruk ke.  You can know nowadays, all from facebook.  Muzik pergaulan information dan semualah. Kadang kadang lawak pun ada tengok cara penulisan dulu. Kalah budak sekolah tadika. Nampak tak kematangan kat situ hahaha. Ada satu benda yang aku realize. Aku rupanya ada rapat juga dengan beberapa orang kawan, dan sekarang ni aku tak kenal dah sapa kawan tu sekiranya aku tak cek balik notification on this day. Yeah,  people, year, feeling change, but memories dont. Its kinda sentimental value. Ada satu lagi, aku rasa macam baru je up kan status pasal something ni. Tengok tengok dah setahun dua berlalu. Dan baru lah diri sendiri sedar masa dah banyak pergi.  Dear time please fly together!

If i

If i keep declining people to get into my life, will i able to live in my own world coming 20 years later.  Wonder.

Ya Allah, aku redha

Biasalah dalam hidup ni tak sah tanpa gelombang turun naik. Hari baik cuaca elok, jala ikan dapat untung. Hari kurang baik taufan ribut badai melanda.silap silap karam tenggelam kat lautan. Itulah dia. Niat aku nak share cerita ni *masukkan unsur suspen * adalah untuk note aku in future dan mungkin korang nak ambil sebagai pengajaran silakan.. Semalam satu hari aku depressed. Dah lama tak rasa macam ni. Rasa dia sampai migrain muncul before tidur dan sambung balik pagi tadi. Jadi aku sapu la minyak yuyi alhamdulillah ok balik. Walau banyak kali aku hadapi situasi camni sebelum ni still effect dia ... *Sambung tulis draft balik hari ni haha Effect dia sampai sekarang masih terasa.  Jangan tanya apa benda kah itu cukuplah hanya aku sorang je yang tahu. Tapi nak dikatakan pada mulanya aku macam tak leh terima la benda ni. Punya la aku tak terima sampai benda tu effect dekat diri aku. Aku gelisah tak tentu arah, semua benda tak kena. Hampir satu hari jugaklah melayan kegilaan emosi ni


I am writing this post earlier than yesterday. Having a tough day to the point of ridicilous. Too much of workload. I am unable to reach my mom too which im planning to do it so. Im watching a person crying today, listened to it yesterday had build up a useless feeling in mine. I cant help them. Im tired. Im going to rest. See you again. Note: no matter how busy you are, put Allah as the highest priority. Ok!

Zaman hidup susah

Saya pun pernah melalui zaman hidup susah. Tapi saya tahu ada lagi yang lebih susah dari saya. Bercerita pasal ni bukan bererti saya mengeluh. Lebih kepada syukur, erti kesenangan yang ada sekarang ni amat saya syukuri. Dulu, rumah kayu. Bilik ada tiga, adik beradik ramai. Jadi bilik perempuan satu, bilik laki satu dan bilik mak ayah. Disebabkan adik beradik perempuan ramai, maka bersesak sesak satu bilik. Masa siang matahari tegak, takde sorang pun duk dalam bilik sebab panas ya amat. Dulu mana ada pasang kipas macam sekarang ni. Tapi best sebab sume kumpul ramairamai kat ruang tamu. Takde sorang pun duduk kat bilik sebab panas. Beza dengan sekarang. Dulu, bilik air kat umah asing. Nak pergi malam-malam kene turun dari pintu dapur. Pernah melalui zaman yang guna zink sebagai dinding,beratapkan langit dan berlampukan bintang menerangi. Masa bulan ramadhan, memori bintang bintang yang sangat cantik masih kekal di ingatan :) Dulu masa sekolah, tau hidup susah. Nak beli buku pun sangg

My other half

The reason of her life. Why shes still alive. Who? Me


Pernah tak terfikir yang kita ni satu ketika nanti, kita akan mati. Ada orang akan mandikan kita, solatkan kita dan tanam kita dalam tanah. Mungkin juga kita mati masa naik kapal, kapal karam dan kita tenggelam di dasar lautan. Mungkin juga di udara siapa yang tahu? Itulah. Fakta "mati itu pasti" kadang kadang dengar tapi tak lekat kat hati. Kita ni berlagak gaya macam mati lambat lagi. Mesti kene tua dulu, dalam umur lebih kurang 60 tahun la mati. Mindset dalam kepala macam brainwash. Padahal hari hari tengok dengar orang mati. Kene makan harimau, eksiden, kene bom tapi mati masih tak lekat kat hati. T-T

This is life

Today was unstable day. Everyone seem like having an emotional syndrome. Never ending changes in work flow really make me feels sick. With zero error promises to ceo this coming monday it is like telling a kid to get 100 marks in examination. While having a lots of cases today, an accident make me smile while rushing back to office after zohor prayer. A group of workers come out from the lif. So without any feeling im taking the lif and pick up my office level button. Feeling weird when I see a lot of button already been pressed. I laugh. Its too absurd situation when I rushed myself back to office. What a day! :) Everyone in state of stress. A lots of works to do. Mistake everywhere and need to improve on that. Im aware of this situation. Yeah, feeling tired right after got many complains, but please understand too we are working on that. If you pushed up too much, we surely working in uncomfortable environment and definetly we try to avoid it. Please understand that you are not onl


Salam ahad and happy working guys to those who are working today :) its long time I'm not writing in English, I thought :). I need to polish back until its not awkward to use English in post writing, even though the title is in Malay c: when passing a same route to go work today, a popped massage in my mind appear "bahagia" in split of second, a lot of though coming continuously. Right now, there is Samsung exhibition at centre of KLCC. Lot  of people there viewing the best gadget that suit themselves. As the motto of the new S4 Galaxy, the best companions in life, get attract a lot of attention. There is a lot of gadget nowadays. As you get the latest new one, soon coming the more modern, unbelievable touch screen, more unique features. we are currently pursuing the new one, even we were having the best one. its normal though, if you compared in this reality. Sometimes, having the latest smartphone, latest branded car, a lots of money is not tool to meas

Sebagai peringatan diri sendiri -entry terbengkalai

saya cuba untuk menjadi seorang yang menghargai sesiapa sahaja yang berada disekeliling tak kira susah atau senang, walaupun kadang-kadang payah nak buat. based on situation juga. Janganlah kita mengamalkan sikap, yang mana apabila nak je something baru je cari kita. walaupun oang kata, itupun kire baek la, at least ada juga someone yang masih memerlukan pertolongan kita. Tapi sometimes need to be consider, and place yourself to the owner of situation ye dak? apa yang saya maksudkan, boleh nak mintak tolong dengan orang. tapi dalam masa yang sama jangan lupa tanye khabar, sekali seminggu ke sihat ke, makan dah ke, camne skang. camtulah. bukan muncul time nak something saje ye. sekarang neh pun senang ,zaman dah moden, telefon, fb, emel sume ade. paling basic pon, telefon kan ade ^^ saya juga perlu buat macam tu, terutamanya nak update adik-adik kat bawah dan kakak-kakak. tapi besenya saya dapat tahu perkembangan semua dari mak. sebab tu la kalo telefon mak mesti 30 minit